From February 9th to 21th I had the opportunity to join Ade on a winter photo tour to the places that I had visited the preceding years already. But in wildlife photography, as in any type of photography, the situations are always different, sometimes just a little bit and sometimes a lot. This time the group consisted of photographers from the Arabian peninsula and Ade had invited me to join as well. It was indeed a unique experience. First, the Covid-19 pandemic was already present but its effects on the travel industry were not yet very visible. Or let’s say: there were definitely less photographers present at the usually very popular spots. Maybe half from the usual numbers. The ships in the Rausu bay were almost empty. The planes had less passengers as well. And we started to use hand sanitizers quite regularly and to put face masks. Definitely less passengers at the airports, and Haneda domestic airport was amazingly quiet. But it was more like a bad joke, nothing to take really seriously. But 2 days after my return to Switzerland, Hokkaido island has been closed by the Japanese government...
For the photography I used my new Sony equipment.
